Refer a Friend: Windows, Siding, Doors

Earn up to $200.00!

When you share Cornerstone with your friends, you can earn 5% (up to $200.00 of their purchase price) when they become a customer!

At Cornerstone Home Improvements we are fully aware that much of our success is due to our many referrals. In fact, the MAIN reason we have been able to thrive for so many years in such an ever-changing industry and very competitive marketplace, is the result of our great customers and their word of mouth. In fact, year after year we have maintained the bragging right of OVER 62% OUR CUSTOMER BASE COMING FROM REFERRALS AND REPEAT CUSTOMERS.

And it is due to this appreciation and realization that we offer our REFERRAL PROGRAM. Heck, even if you don’t own a home or haven’t had the opportunity to use our services, we welcome the chance to reward you if you refer a friend or relative and they become a customer.

Receiving your reward is easy! Just fill out some basic information about you (so we can send you a check!) and give us the prospective customer you want us to contact. After that, let us take over. We will meet with them and explain different options and solutions to their WINDOWS, DOOR, AND SIDING NEEDS.

We will educate them about the different choices available out in the market and with Cornerstone. We will NOT pressure, but instead, coach them into making a purchasing decision that they will be happy with now and for years to come.

And here is the good stuff…should they become a customer, we will PAY YOU 5% of their purchase price up to $200.00! Not bad for a few minutes of your time. EASY PEASY! Money to go towards a new home project, money to go out to a nice dinner, money to buy that little dog sweater you have had yo0ur eye on…You decide as we send you hard cold cash in a check made out to y0u!

A win-win-win…you get money, your friend gets a project they can be proud of, and Cornerstone gets a new happy customer!!

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